With the increase in the number of patients, the need for staff increases. We have agreed with Kaiser to temporarily offer an “Additional Shift Incentive” from August 9, 2021 at 7:.m a.m. to October 31, 2021 at 7 a.m. Here are some important points to note: 1. An extra shift is defined as the hours spent caring for patients that exceed: If ratified, the four-year agreement between Kaiser and seven unions in six states and the District of Columbia would avoid a nationwide strike that was scheduled to begin on Oct. 14. The entire EISA Agreement, Article XVI of our Local Agreement describing how this process works and other contractual resources on our rights and terms of employment can be found here. We are finalizing the agreement for the Rebid plan for the 5 new Class 7 positions and training for those going to a new position. The 5 representatives of companies affected in Grade 6 will retain a position. The Kaiser Permanente area of Southern California is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of patients, resulting in an increased need for staff.

We have reached an agreement with KP South to temporarily offer an “additional shift incentive” to the Department of Diagnostic Imaging from August 19, 2021 to October 31, 2021 at 7 a.m. .m. “Tens of thousands of dedicated healthcare workers look forward to sitting down with Kaiser Permanente to reach a national agreement that serves the communities and patients who depend on Kaiser when they are injured, vulnerable and sick,” said Tamara Rubyn, treasurer of the Emperor Permanente Coalition of Trade Unions. “We hope Kaiser will show that it is truly committed to communities and its mission as a nonprofit, and we look forward to productive conversations at the bargaining table.” “This agreement will allow us to rebuild the employee-management partnership that has been so important to all of us over the past 20 years to make Kaiser a success,” said Georgette Bradford, SEIU-UHW member and ultrasound technologist at Kaiser in Sacramento. “It wasn`t easy to reach an agreement, there were a lot of twists and turns, but in the end, we achieved what we had planned to do – to reach an agreement that is good for patients, workers and our communities.” Good news! UNAC/UHCP and other unions in the alliance have reached an agreement with Kaiser and we will no longer have a strike in Southern California. SEIU-UHW members helped achieve this goal – each of us who was willing to stand at the picket line in solidarity with our union colleagues. Our involvement in the sympathy strike helped Kaiser roll back his terrible two-tier wage system. It`s a big problem because you know they would have tried the same thing with us afterwards. Standing together works! Members of the CP Coalition of Trade Unions join forces to show our strength by working together to keep quotas low! In our national agreement with Kaiser, we negotiated to increase the use of mail orders to maintain our current quotas. If we meet the target of 40% of coalition members using mail-in orders, our quotas will remain the same until 2023. The delta variant is by far the biggest threat we have faced and is as easily transmissible as chickenpox. Given the dramatic increase in hospitalizations and our unique and indispensable role, we understand why frontline health workers must once again seize the opportunity and be the first line of defense in this unprecedented fight.

What does this mean for us? If we do not oppose these outrageous cuts with the Alliance workers, then we will be next – we will fight harder to retain the same benefits in three years, when our agreement is renegotiated. We urge the governor, state legislature, Kaiser, and other employers to recognize the sacrifices we are making and our unique and critical role in this pandemic by accompanying this mandate with strong support, including: In Southern California, Kaiser is using the pandemic as a pretext to outsource good local jobs and bypass patients by outsourcing call center staff to an outstate company in Georgia. Patient Care Technicians – Oakland Medical Center Despite its ubiquitous advertising to help communities thrive, Kaiser also serves a very small percentage of Medicaid patients, suggesting that its profits are increased by excluding the poorest people in the country. For example, while Medicaid funds health care for 21 percent of Americans, Kaiser`s Medicaid patient volume is only a fraction of it at 9.6 percent. In addition to organizing and negotiating to deal with specific situations, our union strives to support all workers affected by: The CHF department has been closed for at least 2 years and makes discharge planning calls for complex patients. Information requested to eliminate this position and meet on Wednesday, June 16. Cases are increasing in our hospitals and communities. Here are some guidelines for staying safe: Up Your Mask Game! Cloth masks are much less effective against omicron. Anyone working in the facilities should be provided with a custom N95 mask upon request. For more information, see the Kaiser PSA Guide. Your right to exposure notificationLast year, SEIU-UHW contributed to the adoption of AB 654, which gives management 24 hours to notify us if we are exposed to COVID at work by a colleague. Cal-OSHA also requires them to notify us within 72 hours if they are exposed by a patient.

If your supervisor does not follow these rules, contact a steward. When can I return to work? The rules have evolved, but Kaiser has adopted the California Department of Health: we need help, but we also need respect. What`s frustrating is that Kaiser is willing to pay a lot of money to registration companies and hire bonuses for people who never set foot in Kaiser, but are unwilling to provide financial incentives to people who have been on the front lines of the fight against covid every day in Kaiser hospitals and have reached a breaking point! Waiting for an exemption?: If you have applied for an exemption and it is still under review, Kaiser will issue a “preliminary approval” and you can work, subject to weekly testing, at least until the final decision on the exemption application. Business Representatives – Grade 6 – Patient Central Financial Operations Kaiser plans to eliminate SSRs that perform transportation planning due to the implementation of Health Connect technology, which allows carriers to book their patient transportation calls directly – some facilities have already implemented this. It was found that several of the SSRs had initially applied and interviewed for clerical jobs and had been inappropriately assigned as dispatchers for the transport service. .