A commercial lease is a contract for the rental of commercial, office or industrial space between a landlord and a tenant. The tenant pays a monthly amount to the landlord in exchange for obtaining the right to use the premises for commercial purposes. Commercial leases are generally longer than residential types, between 3 and 5 years, and it is common for the tenant to have the option to renew at predetermined monthly payments. Commercial Sublease Agreement – An agreement that allows a current tenant who leases commercial real estate to vacate the premises to another tenant. There are a variety of different business properties, and it`s important for businesses and owners to know the difference. For example, it would not make sense for a landlord to advertise a property in retail stores if the commercial space was designed for a warehouse. H) Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains a complete expression of the agreement between the parties and there are no promises, representations or inducements other than those contained herein. It`s the same scenario for an office building. The property is the entire office building (or office park), and the demolished premises are one of the office suites that are rented.

☐ NOT included in the base rent. From the start date, the tenant undertakes to pay the tenant the tenant`s share of the operating costs. The tenant`s initial monthly operating cost estimate is $_ For the purposes of this Agreement, the proportionate share of the Tenant`s operating costs may not exceed ____% of the total cost of operating capital for a given month. The tenant`s proportionate share is determined by dividing the number or square feet leased in the demolished premises by the total number of square feet rented in the property that are rented or available for rent during the year. “Operating Costs” means the total costs and expenses incurred for the operation, administration, insurance, equipment, lighting, repair, maintenance and supervision of the Property, including the exterior of the Property and Common Elements, in particular, but not limited to, expense items for or in connection with: insurance premiums and deductibles, management fees, accounting and accounting, and an annual supplement of __ % per annum to the operating costs of a reserve fund for major repairs, replacements and renovations. With each monthly base rent, the tenant pays an estimate of the tenant`s share of the operating costs. These monthly estimates are based on the previous year`s actual operating costs. The landlord annually compares the tenant`s payments with actual operating costs.

In the event that the tenant`s payments are less than his share of the actual operating costs, the tenant must pay this default within ____ days of the landlord`s request. In the event that the tenant`s payments exceed their share of the actual operating costs, the landlord must apply the overpayment to subsequent monthly estimates. ☐ The Landlord agrees that during the term of this Agreement, the Tenant has the right to store personal property in the __ [description of storage rooms] at his own risk. The landlord is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of items stored by the tenant. When dealing with a potential tenant, it`s best to understand their needs and come to an agreement. Therefore, it may be a good idea for you and your agent (if any) to get creative with the tenant to close a deal that works for both parties. The owner reserves and has the right at any time to enter the unmasked premises in case of emergency and also during normal opening hours after prior written notice to inspect and repair the destroyed premises and any part of the property or common area without rent reduction. ☐ FOURTEENTH EDITION. The landlord has the right to prohibit the tenant from continuing to use any type of business, advertising or interior design that is unethical or unfair if, in the landlord`s opinion, the continued use of the property as a first-class facility would be compromised or otherwise inconsistent with the general character. and immediately refrain from or terminate such activities as soon as they have been informed to the Lessor. A residential lease may have to comply with consumer protection laws, which set upper limits on the amount of landlords` deposits, or protect tenants` fundamental rights to hot water and heating or cooling.

In contrast, state laws that govern commercial leases often do not impose such minimum or maximum requirements on owners. Even if your state has specific requirements and procedures that apply to commercial landlords and tenants, in some cases, a lease can still trump standard laws. .