Union members who move to the El Paso area must also transfer their union membership. To do so, please send your transfer request to info@nbpc1929.org bargaining unit consists of border guards and non-supervisory support staff, including mission support specialists, paralegals, mechanics, LEISS, etc. The CBA does NOT apply to employees of non-market units such as members of management, BP Intel, BORSTAR, BORTAC, etc. To join the union, please invite the form, complete it, sign it and submit it to info@nbpc1929.org or a local union representative. Contact us if you have any questions. Q4. Why didn`t the union negotiate for GS-13 and FLSA? A4. Contrary to false information, public sector unions (federal government) cannot negotiate wages and benefits such as retirement and leave under federal law; As a result, the Agency does not have the discretion to enter into negotiations on salaries, disputes or other matters relating to the federal administration of leave and pay. Simply put, they cannot negotiate on these issues because it is illegal.

That said, through our legislative efforts through our lobbying, the Union has been able to get members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate (on both sides of the aisle) to support legislation that reauthorizes BPAs to obtain FLSAs; However, these bills are submitted to Congress for approval in both chambers. With respect to the GS-13, we have worked with the current government to secure senior positions within the agency, but just like the FLSA, it is illegal for public sector unions (NPCs) to negotiate GS increases; it is the sole responsibility of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and grades are determined by professional responsibilities. The union is working to add responsibilities and duties to the BPA job description to ensure GS-13 upgrades. The process is still ongoing. The Union is optimistic because, in the past, it has succeeded in enforcing the GS-11 and GS-12 upgrades. These upgrades were not given to us, it took a lot of work and effort before we could get there. Q3. Will senior agents have all the holidays? R3. No, the selection of annual leave works like a draft, employees are organized in the order of their seniority and the requested annual leave periods are organized in order of preference. Each employee gets their first available vacation option and then moves on to the next employee on the list.

After moving from the longest serving employee to the youngest employee, the list of the longest serving employee begins again and reviews the list until all leave requests have been considered or no other period is available. Due to the division of the two (2) six-month holiday periods (October – March / April – September), four (4) of the main holiday holidays are in the first period (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and Spring Holidays), while the fourth July and summer holiday periods are included in the second. This offers more possibilities for a more uniform distribution of holidays without allowing a group of agents to maintain all holiday periods. Registration form for new 1187 members (Just print it out, fill out your information and become the steward of your station!) Q10. How are leave days allocated? If I have a special event, can I have a desired day off if I am not old enough? A10. Assigned days of leave are allocated by seniority, at the request of the employee; However, management still has the discretion to accommodate an employee without coming across an officer who is in front of the employee to ensure that junior staff organizing special events can take this leave. In other words, an employee cannot be pushed, but management has the discretion and can make the necessary adjustments to grant employees leave. Know your rights! They have the right to be represented by the union. This contract stipulates, among other things, that the agents have beards.

The contract will come into effect on November 1, 2019, so we will provide more information and details in the coming days and weeks. Publication 810 – Compensation for Federal Employees Q5. Will we vote again for the offer of change? A5. Yes, the current Memorandum of Understanding on Shift Bids is in effect until a new CBA is implemented; Therefore, shift offers will be reset as of November 1, 2019, so that opt-in or opt-out at each individual station is possible. Publication 550: Questions and Answers on the Federal Employee Compensation Act Trade Union Rights and Executive Responsibilities under the OWCP Forms of the AHRDA: Forms Q13 of the Federal Employee Compensation Division of the OWCP. Do I still need a doctor`s dispensation to grow a beard, or am I covered by the new ABC? A13. It will depend entirely on the individual; However, there are restrictions on when you can wear a certain uniform or perform certain duties while you have a beard, but these exclusions do not apply to employees who have applied for and received a waiver for medical or religious purposes. Q7. Is it true that we can now exchange assigned days off? A7. Yes, employees can now exchange assigned days off with other employees on the same business trip.

Shift changes remain allowed even under the new GaV. Due to deliberate disinformation published in connection with the new ABC, which was published on the 1st. Starting in November 2019, we developed a question-and-answer session with some of the questions we received to dispel some of the rumors spread by some of these infamous experts: Q1. I have heard that there will be no more cooling for details under the new ABC. Is this true or false? A1. False, the new ACA has a built-in selection process for details and ancillary tasks, and a cooling-off period remains, which corresponds to the duration of your contact details and should not exceed 1 year. For example, if you serve on a detail for 6 months, your cooling will be 6 months, if you serve for 1 year, it will be 1 year; However, if you serve 2 years, your cooling is 1 year, as this is the maximum cooling phase. Local 2509 Designation Letter (alle erforderlichen Felder im PDF-Format ausfüllbar) Q12. Now that beard is allowed, what will be the shaving policy if you do not grow a beard? A12.

Employees who are not actively trying to grow a beard or other type of facial hair will need to show up to work with an otherwise clean shaved face. Neglected beard stubble is not considered clean, clean and professional. 2021 Memorandum of Understanding on Operational Mobility (PE)SUAS MOUNew Duty Pistol MOUTeam Awareness Kit MOUStandard Outer Garment Carrier/Performance Patrol Shirt MOUOPR Audio/Video Interviews MOUOffice of Workers` Compensation (OWCP) Q9. Are all detailed histories reset under the CBA? A9. The union and management decide together whether and, if so, for what period the detailed history will be reset. Q2. Will the details management team disappear under the new CBA and, if so, do junior officers have a chance to get details? R2. The new ABC will have an integrated selection procedure for details and ancillary tasks and will not be governed exclusively by seniority. Some sectors, such as RGV, already have detailed management teams, but many do not. A permanent DMT-SOP cannot conflict with the new ACA. The integrated selection process will dictate how all sectors assign details and ancillary tasks, which now fall into two categories: the detailed or ancillary obligation may or may not require the required skills and abilities. For details and secondary tasks that require only one agent to participate, it is assigned by seniority.

This applies to details where the agency teaches you a skill, such as driving ATVs, or it`s a task that any employee can do. If a detail requires some skill, the agency may require employees to submit a brief or resume and, if necessary, to attend an interview. For example, if a detail needs a person with a specific skill set/requirements, the agency will explain those skills/requirements in the prompt among other things and employees will need to provide information about their specific skills/abilities to qualify for the detail. The following information shall be used for selection where the Agency determines that a detailed or ancillary obligation requires specific skills: (a) required qualifications, certifications or other training, etc.; (b) All preferred requirements/qualifications; (c) a previous temporary assignment of the same nature; (d) seniority; (e) the period between temporary placements; (f) interview (if applicable); (g) supervisory recommendations; and (h) Availability. . . . .