This first worksheet is a simple approach to indeterminate pronouns. This helps with recognition. While these types of pronouns can be identified, they can also be used correctly in future fonts. Indefinite pronouns are a useful part of the English language. They replace names when too many names become clumsy or repetitive. As indefinite words, they do not refer to anyone or anything specific. Examples of indefinite pronouns in the singular are “someone,” “person,” and “everyone.” Undetermined plural pronouns include words such as “many,” “many,” and “other.” Introduction: When looking for indefinite pronouns, you should be very careful not to confuse them with adjectives. Here`s an example: Instructions: Underline the undetermined pronouns in the next paragraph. There are 8 in total. See if you can choose the verb form that matches the indeterminate pronouns in the following sentences. Whether a pronoun is singular or plural depends on the meaning of the word it replaces. Pronouns are extremely useful for avoiding an abundance of nouns. Indefinite pronouns allow us to write without the necessary specificity from time to time.

There are many pronouns in the English language. Once you master the indefinite pronouns, look at the types of pronouns. This article describes other entities, including personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, interrogative pronouns, and more! The best way to put new concepts into practice is to see them in action in spreadsheets. If you`re looking for a bit of pronoun practice, here are two sheets for you. The first worksheet for indefinite pronouns is straight and accurate. Once you`re sure you or your students have things under control, you can step up a notch with the second spreadsheet. Should the verb that follows an indefinite pronoun be singular or plural? Well, it depends! Some indefinite pronouns are always singular and therefore assume a singular verb, while others are always plural and therefore take a plural verb. But some may be singular or plural, depending on the context. How confusing! Direction: Underline the verb that corresponds to the indeterminate pronoun. In this second worksheet on indefinite pronouns, students can practice subject-verb pairing.

You need to identify which indeterminate pronouns are singular and which are plural. This is a great opportunity for them to see that some may be singular or plural, depending on their use. Introduction: Some indefinite pronouns can be singular or plural. They are: all, all, more, most, none, some and so on. Like what:. I was on a different trip last week. Few have visited the park I saw because everyone visits Yellowstone. I saw something moving in the forest, but I couldn`t see it clearly. Then there was more movement and everyone saw it. It could have been a bear or maybe just the wind. No one could understand it, but we had a lot of assumptions. The scenery was beautiful; you could see from miles away.

Everyone would like this view of the valley because nothing on earth is more beautiful… .