PandaTip: The distribution or resale of shares to third parties may involve a variety of legal requirements that this Agreement is not intended to fulfill, which is why this clause is important. Due to the need for an annual review of the Chinese foreign investment company and in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit, Party A and Part B have agreed on the following conditions for the transfer of the stake: Reflect the full contribution of the parties to yuhuan and Yuhui`s business activities and allow all parties to share the results of this acquisition and overseas listing, All parties enter into the following agreement after friendly negotiations: WeBloc Asia Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) entrusts the personal data collected from the User during the execution of the Token Generation Event as described below. Consent to the provision of the processing of personal data is required to apply to the Company`s website. The retention period is carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations on the protection of personal data. PandaTip: This model shareholder agreement defines the conditions of interaction between the shareholders of the companies and what happens if one or more want to leave the company or if something happens that forces a shareholder to leave or close the company. All shareholders and other parties involved must be in full agreement on all points for the agreement to move forward. Shareholders involved in such an agreement should acknowledge or submit certain financing documents, such as: Those considering entering into a shareholder agreement can and should have many questions. Some common issues related to these agreements include: Reference is made to the Company`s announcement dated December 28, 2017, which includes, among other things, (i) the termination of agreements on certain asset restructurings; (ii) the framework agreement for the formation of the joint venture; and (iii) the acquisition of minority interests in a subsidiary. To be valid, a entrusted shareholders` agreement must contain the following: Jiangxi Kenongwo Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is a legal entity legally formed and exists in accordance with the laws of the People`s Republic of China. By resolution of the Meeting of Shareholders, Party A hereby decides that Party B becomes a shareholder of Part A and holds the shares of Part A, and that Party C and Part D hold the above shares on behalf of Part B. On the principles of volunteerism, equality, fairness and good faith, Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D have reached the following agreement by consensus: above all, it must be ensured that the parties with whom they conclude an agreement are very trustworthy persons.

Share Mandate Agreement Part A: Lian Zheng Min ID Card# : XXXParty B: Dong Xiang Jun ID Card # : XXXParty C: Li Xian ShouN ID Card # : XXXParty D: Wu Yu Cai ID Card # : XXX(The four parties to this Agreement are each referred to as “Party” and collectively “Parties”; Part A and Part B are collectively referred to as “beneficial shareholders”; Part C and Part D are collectively referred to as “Representative Shareholders”) CONSIDERING that Party A, Part B, Part C and Part D are shareholders of Zhejiang Yuhuan Solar Energy Source Co., Ltd. (“Yuhuan”), including Part A, owns 23% of the shares of Yuhuan; Party B owns 18% of Yuhuan`s shares; Party C owns 41% of Yuhuan`s shares; Party D owns 18% of Yuhuan`s shares. Yuhuan currently owns 75% of the shares of Zhejiang Yuhui Solar Energy Source Co., Ltd. (“Yuhui”). CONSIDERING that Party C and Part D have jointly formed ReneSola Limited (“ReneSola”), a limited liability company legally constituted and validly constituted under the laws of the Cayman Islands, and that Party C holds 66% of its shares and Part D 34% of its shares; While Part C and Part D now propose to acquire all of Yuhui`s shares (including Yuhuan`s 75% stake) through ReneSola and facilitate the listing of ReleSola on the London AIM Stock Exchange. Part A and Part B agree to collaborate on this foreign acquisition and registration project. In order to reflect the contribution of all parties to the operations of Yuhuan and Yuhui and to allow all parties to share the results of this acquisition and listing abroad, all parties hereby reach the following agreement after friendly negotiations:Section 1 Transfer of Shares 1.1The Named Shareholders confirm that the actual shareholders have the right to invest in ReneSola and hold the shares of ReneSola. 1.2The actual shareholders agree that they will not actually invest in ReneSola, nor will they actually own the shares of ReneSola, they entrust the entrusted shareholders with full power to invest in ReneSola and to hold shares thereof in accordance with this Agreement, but they are entitled to benefit from the proceeds of the entrusted shares. 1.3The Parties confirm that Party A is entitled to 23% of the shares in ReneSola and related rights and interests; it gives Part C full authority to hold such shares. Party B is entitled to 18% of the shares of ReneSola and the rights and interests associated therewith; it gives Party D full authority to hold 16% of the shares and gives Party C full authority to hold 2% of the shares (the “Entrusted Shares”). 1Ction 2 Escrow Period 2.1The trust provided for in this Agreement begins on the date of signature of this Agreement and terminates when the actual and designated shareholders agree to sell the relevant shares.

3.2 Obligations of Beneficial Shareholders 3.2.1 to assume all expenses and taxes related to the acquisition and maintenance of the entrusted shares and their related rights and interests in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; 3.2.2. assume investment losses in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; 3.2.3 does not assign any of its rights and obligations under this Agreement or any right or interest in connection with the actions entrusted to any third party during the term of this Agreement; 3.2.4 not to terminate this Agreement arbitrarily, except as otherwise provided herein. Section 4 Rights and obligations of entrusted shareholders 4.1 Rights of entrusted shareholders 4.1.1 to manage the shares entrusted in their own name; 4.1.2 to exercise the rights of the investor in respect of the shares entrusted in his own name, e.B. exploitation and decision-making rights in relation to ReneSola; 24.1.3to take the necessary measures to protect the rights and interests of beneficial shareholders. 5.2An expenses, other expenses or taxes incurred in favour of the real shareholders are paid in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the mandated shareholders may deduct the above expenses from the proceeds received on behalf of the real shareholders. Section 6 Termination of Agreement 6.1 In accordance with this Agreement, during the period during which the entrusted shares may be sold, the actual shareholders may negotiate with the mandated shareholders and request the designated shareholders to sell the entrusted shares on the public market. 6.2After agreement with the mandated shareholders, the entrusted shareholders sell the entrusted shares in accordance with the market price and pay the actual shareholders the proceeds of such sale as soon as possible in accordance with the requirements of the exchange on which ReneSola is listed after deduction of the corresponding fees and taxes. 6.3The proposal of the beneficial shareholders relating to the sale of the entrusted shares must comply with the relevant rules of the exchange on which ReneSola is listed, the designated shareholders are required to give a corresponding notice of consultation in relation to the above rules. .

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