Of course, what you include in your letter may seem different. You should consider the unique rules and values of your program when writing your scholarship letter. The templates we`ve provided below are just a suggestion, and they don`t need to be tracked exactly. In fact, you want to customize them according to your specific needs. We hope these will help you accelerate the development or optimization of your scholarship program. I agree to meet the scholarship criteria for the scholarships I have received as stated in my quote email. Note: Please first write your answers in Microsoft Word to make sure the answers are well written and “typo-free” and save a copy of your letter. Then paste your answers into the appropriate paragraph. We start with the scholarship letter, as this is the correspondence that each applicant to the program hopes to receive. While you might be tempted to try something simple like “Congratulations! You are the recipient of our scholarship, and the money will be given to your university at the beginning of your next semester,” you actually have to write a little more than that for your recipient. End your letter by thanking the donor again and commit to doing well with the “donor`s investment.” If you have received more than one scholarship, you must complete a separate thank you form for each scholarship within the time specified in the email you received.

Your scholarship(s) will be cancelled if you do not meet this deadline. Applications have been assessed. The beneficiaries have been determined. Now it`s time for the moment that everyone has been waiting. It`s time to write the scholarship letter, announce the recipients, and celebrate the success of your program. This form establishes an agreement between the Rogue Community College Foundation and the recipient mentioned here for the funds awarded for the next academic year (July – June). Scholarship funds are first used for tuition, fees, and books for enrollment at Rogue Community College. Any excess balance will be refunded to the recipient to be used for the cost of living during registration. In the event that eligibility is not maintained, the funds will be returned to the Foundation. Begin your letter by thanking the donor for providing funds for your scholarship. Tell the donor what this scholarship means to you. It is understood that if the scholarship holder does not meet the conditions agreed in this form or continues to meet the criteria of the scholarship, funding for the scholarship will be provided.

All scholarships require you to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 and complete at least 6 credits per semester, unless otherwise stated on the scholarship. To see the criteria for the scholarship you received, please visit the scholarships on our website. H. The recipient`s photo, response to “Why was it important for me to receive this scholarship,” as well as information about college attendance, may be shared with fellows and used for promotional purposes. With your scholarship letter, you must attach a scholarship agreement that meets all the conditions for acceptance and maintenance of the prize such as those mentioned above. A detailed explanation of the requirements allows the selected winner to decide whether or not to accept the prize. G. The scholarship is only valid for the upcoming school year and cannot be postponed. We will end up with the most difficult letter for most scholarship administrators – the rejection letter. It`s certainly not as fun as writing the scholarship letter, so let`s talk about why you should send a rejection letter in the first place. This is a step-by-step guide to help you create your thank you letter. We encourage you to reflect on your response when we send your letters to donors and supporters of your scholarship.

Don`t worry! We have the solution for you. Below, we share a sample scholarship letter to send to each fellow, as well as a scholarship agreement form and a sample scholarship rejection letter. Another reason to send a rejection letter for a scholarship is to let them know if there are other opportunities to apply for future scholarships. If so, it could give your applicants time to make improvements before submitting a new application in the next semester of the program. When I receive a scholarship, I hereby give permission to the Rogue Community College Foundation to publish any scholarship I receive by listing my name, hometown, name and amount of the scholarship, as well as a biographical summary. I authorize the Rogue Community College Foundation to share copies of my thank you answers, application essays, major, and degree with donors. Unless written notice to the contrary is submitted to the Foundation`s office, all Rogue Community College grantees authorize to post photos of themselves for promotional purposes. .