That the sum of Tshs. Fifty Million (Tshs. 50,000,000.00) will be paid by buyer to Seller via bank check number 018110 [a copy of it is attached to this Agreement], which will be given to Seller at the time of performance of this Agreement. CONSIDERING that the first party is the absolute and undisputed owner of the land/land no. ___ Additional information may be required to fully identify the country sold. For example, important landmarks, irregular shape, and other facts such as county descriptions marked with the title or description of the deed submitted to the county registrar. All remaining descriptions for that country can be displayed in the blank line after “Other description”. As a rule, there are costs associated with the sale of land, which must be paid for it to be carried out. For example, a title search may be required, admission fees in the local jurisdiction, etc. The decision as to whether the seller or buyer should bear these costs in a timely manner is set out in Article VI. Closing costs, with one of the three checkboxes checked. Therefore, select the Buyer check box if you want the buyer of the land to pay the closing costs, select the Seller check box if the seller of the property has to bear the closing costs, or select the “Both parties” check box if the buyer of the land and the seller agree to share the closing costs of this land sale.

The “parcel tax information” assigned by the tax assessment office responsible for supervising the identification of the property in question is also set out in Article “II. Legal description”. This can be expressed in the blank line “Tax Parcel Information” as a parcel identification number or in the tax card and lot. This information must be obtained for the local tax office or city services. In most cases, real estate purchases, such as the purchase of land, require one or more “disclosures” required. If any of the parties make disclosures and are to be attached to this Agreement, each party must be mentioned in the Content. The article “XXX. Disclosures” discusses the topic of attached additions and disclosures through a checkbox options overview. Therefore, if there are no additions, disclosures, or other such attachments in this document, select the first check box in this section.

If there are additions or disclosures, check the second box in “XXX. Disclosures”. Note that additional descriptions are required to select this option. In the event that a “lead-based disclosure form” is attached, check the box that corresponds to the words “Lead-based paint. Compliant. In addition to a corresponding blank row, three additional check boxes are available. Any addendum or disclosure required for this document and appended before the time of signature must be indicated in the blank line and then in the appropriate check box. 1.

That the second party has paid an amount of ___ (__ (_____ only) in real money/partial payment of the total consideration for the sale of _____ in cash/cheque/D.D. No_ ___ of the _____to of the first part, the receipt of which the first party hereby acknowledges, and the balance of Rs. __ will be received from the second party at the time of the execution and registration of the deed of sale of said property/land of the first party part. 2. If the _______ second party does not pay the balance as decided, the advance will be cancelled, and if for any reason the first party does not execute the deed of sale for the benefit of the buyer/its agents within the specified period, the seller is responsible for paying twice the amount indicated as an advance. The first part is / is the owner of the residential property / land number: ______. In most agreements, there is a due diligence phase that allows the buyer to conduct tests on the property to ensure it can be used for the buyer`s intentions. This may include conducting environmental testing, obtaining local government permits, or other contingencies listed in the agreement. Many real estate sales require serious money presented to the seller to compensate for losses in case the purchase fails. This agreement must name the “serious money” needed to proceed in the third article. The first line after the dollar sign expects the amount of money to be documented digitally, while the blank line after the words “.

As Consideration By” requires the month and calendar day on which this money must have been received by the seller of the property. Subject to Seller`s agreement with his wife, Mrs. Veneranda Qulwi Akonaay, Seller and Buyer will sell such property free of charges, privileges or third party communications for consideration from Tanzania Schilling Eighty-Five Million (only Tsh 85,000,000.00), (hereinafter referred to as the Purchase Price), subject to the terms and payment agreement in accordance with the payments agreed under this Agreement. As you may have noticed, this paperwork provides methods to stop the sale. If any of these methods are used, the aforementioned real money must be returned within a certain number of (working) days after termination. Note the number of working days after the end of the sale, if the buyer of the land is to receive the serious refund of the money from the seller of the land, in the white line of Article XVI. Termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have placed their hands and signatures on this Agreement and have signed it after going through its terms as proof of its accuracy on the day, month and year of this Agreement, before they are written in the presence of the following points: – Both parties shall have ample opportunity to review the agreement concluded. As proof that this review has taken place, each page of this Agreement contains two lines at the bottom of the page. When checking the completed page, the buyer of the land must initialize the blank line “Buyer`s initials”. Similarly, the seller of the property must also enter the “Seller Initial” line at the bottom of each page to prove that they have reviewed each completed page. This task must be carried out for each party after completing the information requested by it and before those parties execute those documents by the deed of signature. Step 10 – Distribute information about the parcels of the country in question Although this agreement applies depending on its content, certain “additional terms and conditions” may need to be consolidated.

If so, use the optional section of the article “XXXI. Additional Terms and Conditions” to remove any restrictions, restrictions or benefits that apply to one or both sellers or buyers of land. If no such provision needs to be explained and this Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement, you may strike this section or indicate the word “None”. If the buyer of the land uses “bank financing” to obtain the amount of the sale of the property, this must be indicated with the type of financing he received for this purchase. Start by reporting this information by checking the box labeled “Bank Financing”, then continue this selection as it requires more attention. If the buyer of the land has received a “conventional loan”, this must be indicated by marking the first financing option in the “Bank financing” statement. The buyer of the land may have needed a loan from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). If this is the case, the checkbox labeled “FHA Loan” should be checked. Note that the additions received must be attached by the buyer of the land. If a “VA loan” has been purchased, select the “AV loan” option and attach the appropriate documentation. In some cases, the buyer of the land may have obtained a loan through another measure.
