B. Any tenant who has not received the required disclosure under paragraph A may terminate the lease at any time during the first 30 days of the rental period by sending a written confirmation of termination to the landlord by registered or registered mail. Such termination will be effective from (i) 15 days from the date the notice is sent or (ii) the date the rent was paid, whichever is later. However, the date of termination may under no circumstances take effect beyond one month from the date of dispatch. Termination of the lease is the exclusive remedy for non-compliance with the disclosure provisions of this section and will not affect the rights or obligations of the lessor or lessee under this chapter, other applicable laws or the lease. 3. occupancy by an owner of a condominium or an owner of a cooperative; One. If the landlord of a dwelling becomes aware of the existence of a defective drywall wall in such a dwelling that has not been renovated, the landlord must notify a potential tenant in writing that the property has defective drywall. This disclosure is made before the execution of a written rental agreement by the tenant or, in the case of an oral lease, before the occupation by the tenant. For the purposes of this article, the term “defective drywall” means all defective drywall within the meaning of § 36-156.1. At the end of the rental period, whether due to the expiration of the rental agreement or due to the tenant`s default, the tenant must immediately leave the premises, remove all items of personal property and leave the premises in good condition and clean, unless reasonable wear and tear. If the tenant does not leave, the landlord can sue for possession and damages, including reasonable attorneys` fees. “Residential Tenancies” means a tenancy based on a lease agreement between a landlord and a tenant of a residential unit.

C. Notwithstanding paragraphs A and B, a landlord may terminate the lease under sections 55.1 to 1253 or 55.1 to 1410 and bring an action in title if: If a condition of mould in the dwelling unit materially affects the health or safety of a tenant or licensed resident, the landlord may ask the tenant to temporarily leave the dwelling unit so that he or she can remedy the mould in accordance with professional standards set out. at § 55.1-1200 can be carried out. for a maximum period of 30 days. The Landlord must provide the Tenant with either (i) a comparable accommodation unit as selected by the Lessor, at no cost or expense to the Tenant, or (ii) a hotel room as selected by the Lessor, at no cost or expense to the Tenant. The landlord is not obliged to pay any other expenses of the tenant that arise after the moving period. The tenant is still responsible for paying the rent under the lease for the duration of a temporary move and for the remainder of the lease term after the redevelopment. Nothing in this section should be construed as giving the tenant the right to terminate a lease if the landlord has remedied a mold condition in accordance with the professional standards set out in § 55.1-1200. The landlord bears all costs of moving and remediating the mold, unless the mold is due to the non-compliance of § 55.1-1227 by the tenant. The tenant is still responsible for paying the rent under the lease for the duration of a temporary move. The landlord assumes all repair or renovation costs necessary to remedy the condition of the non-emergency property.

The tenant`s refusal to cooperate with a temporary move under this paragraph will be considered a violation of the lease, unless the tenant agrees to leave the dwelling and terminate the lease within the 30-day notice period. If the landlord corrects the condition of the non-emergency property within the 30-day period, nothing in this section should be construed as giving the tenant the right to terminate the lease. In addition, nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the lessor from bringing legal action against the tenant for non-compliance that occurs during the period of temporary relocation under this subsection. During the ongoing illegal detention that the landlord files against the tenant, the landlord can ask the court to issue an order requiring the tenant to grant the landlord access to such a unit. B. If the Lessor does not provide the notice required in this section, the Renter has the right to terminate the Rental Agreement after written notice to the Lessor at least five working days before the entry into force of the termination. If the tenant terminates the lease, the landlord must dispose of the tenant`s deposit in accordance with the law or the provisions of the lease, as the case may be. Residential codes were established to ensure that dwellings were habitable at the time of rental and during rental. Most states have an implicit guarantee of habitability. This requires a landlord to essentially comply with the standards of the Construction and Housing Code.

If the lease contains a clause that waives the implied warranty of habitability, a court will generally refuse to enforce the clause. C. Rent is payable at the time the terms of the lease would otherwise have required it until the effective date of termination in accordance with paragraph B. The landlord-tenant relationship is based on obligations that are prohibited either by law, customary law or individual lease. The implicit commitment of quiet enjoyment is fundamental to all leases. This clause guarantees the tenant that his property is not disturbed by a person with a higher legal right to the land, including the owner. Standard residential leases may also include additional elements, such as: If the tenant refuses legal access, the landlord can get an injunction to force access or terminate the lease. In both cases, the landlord can claim actual damages and reasonable attorneys` fees. If the landlord makes an illegal entry or legal entry in an inappropriate manner or repeatedly makes requests for entry that are otherwise legal, but that cause the tenant to unreasonably harass the tenant, the tenant can assert an injunction to prevent the behavior from recurring, or terminate the lease. In both cases, the tenant can claim actual damages and reasonable attorneys` fees. No landlord of a residential complex may require or accept from a provider of cable television services, cable modem services, satellite main antenna television services, satellite main antenna television services, direct transmission satellite television services, subscription television services or services of another television programming system the payment of a fee, of a royalty or other present value if it merely provides a television service provider with access to the Grants simple access to such a service to the lessor`s tenants or to the lessor`s tenants.

A lessor may enter into a service contract with a television service provider in order to provide the television service provider with marketing and other services intended to facilitate the provision of its services by the television service provider. Under such a service agreement, the television service provider may compensate the lessor for the reasonable value of the services provided and for the reasonable value of the landlord`s property used by the television service provider. One. If, contrary to the lease or the provisions of this Chapter, the lessor intentionally or negligently fails to provide an essential service, the lessee shall send the lessor a written notice of the breach if it acts in accordance with this Article and in that case and after the lessor has obtained a reasonable period of time to remedy such breach, it may: “Date of entry into force of the Rental Agreement” means the date on which the Rental Agreement is signed by the Lessor and the Tenant, which bind each party to the terms of the Rental Agreement. If the lease requires the tenant to inform the landlord of an anticipated absence of more than seven days and the tenant does not, the landlord can claim actual damages from the tenant. If the tenant is absent for more than seven days, the landlord may enter the unit at times reasonably necessary to protect the tenant`s property and possessions. The rental agreement is deemed to have been terminated by the landlord at the time of abandonment by the tenant. If the landlord cannot determine if the premises have been abandoned by the tenant, the landlord must send the tenant a written notice in accordance with § 55.1-1202 asking the tenant to inform the landlord in writing within seven days that the tenant intends to use the premises. If the tenant gives such written notice to the landlord or if the landlord otherwise determines that the tenant remains in the occupation of the premises, the landlord will not treat the premises as abandoned. Unless the landlord receives written notice from the tenant or otherwise determines that the tenant continues to occupy the premises, there is a rebuttable presumption that the premises were abandoned by the tenant after seven days from the date of the landlord`s notification to the tenant and the lease will be deemed terminated on that day.
