To participate in the plan, you must be a CUPE member at Locals 1145, 1770, 1775 or 3260 and reside in Canada. In addition, depending on the type of coverage, you must meet the following conditions: This letter confirms that the Ministry of Education and Early Childhood and Culture provides an annual fund of three thousand ($3000.00) used for professional development activities jointly agreed between CUPE 3260 and employers in accordance with Article 25.3(b) of the collective agreement. Agreement by written notification to the other party no later than three (3) months and fourteen (14) calendar days and not less than thirty (30) calendar days before the date of expiration of this Agreement or any extension of this Agreement. 3.13 “Union” means the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3260 of the Union. 3.6 “Local” means employees of an employer who are members of Local 3260. The Parties agree that, while either Party may raise the issue of qualifications for the classification of teaching assistants or youth services personnel, work assistants or student helpers in a round of negotiations, neither Party may refer such a matter to a third party for dispute resolution without the express consent of the other Party. (i) Educational needs of pupils, if there is a normative agreement in terms of content; or 5.2 Where notice has been issued requesting the negotiation of a new Agreement, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until an agreement has been reached on an amendment or replacement of this Agreement. This Agreement may be extended from time to time by mutual agreement. For lifetime coverage, long-term disability and health-D insurance, you must be employed by an employer in a classification set out in Schedules A, B, C or D of the collective agreement between the Province of Prince Edward Island and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Locals 1145, 1770 and 1775 or in section 38 of local 3260 collective agreement.

THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYEES LOCAL 3260 2.1 This Agreement applies to and binds the Employer and Local 3260 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. (b) The Minister shall continually provide the following information to CUPE 3260 representatives at the Education Sector Pension Plan Committee or at the request of a CUPE President of Local 3260: (b) Before a written expression of dissatisfaction is included in the employee`s file, the employee shall review the document and sign it. This signature is placed there with the explicit understanding that the signature does not necessarily indicate a correspondence with the content. The employee`s response to the written expression of dissatisfaction becomes part of the protocol. 7.2 The parties agree that a sufficient number of agreements will be printed in French. Translation costs are the responsibility of the employer. 4.4 No employee is obliged or permitted to enter into a written or oral agreement with the employer or its representatives that could conflict with the terms of its collective agreement. 22.8 The employer shall pay the full cost of the premium per union member per month to CUPE Locals 1145, 1770, 1775, 3260 Group Insurance Trust Fund for the purpose of providing basic life insurance of US$5000.00 and accidental death and dismemberment insurance of $5000.00 for each member of the Union. The premium reduction applicable to the employer under the Employment Insurance Act is deducted from the employer`s costs under this subsection. In the event that the premium reduction under the Employment Insurance Act no longer applies to the employer, the cost of the insurance in this subsection will be shared with the employee on a 50/50 basis.

. the employee has applied for and is entitled to a maternity or parental allowance in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Insurance Act will receive an allowance for fifteen (15) weeks. The allowance is the difference between the weekly Employment Insurance (EI) benefits to which the employee is entitled and seventy-five percent (75%) of the employee`s weekly wages, less any other income the employee receives during the benefit period, which may result in a reduction in the Employment Insurance benefits to which the employee would have been entitled if no other income had been earned during that period. c) If both parties are employees, the maximum eligibility period for one or both parties may not exceed fifteen (15) weeks. . The calculation of the total number of hours of paid work during employment does not include sections 16.1 and 16.2 รข Hours of work and public holidays 9.5 The union undertakes to indemnify and hold the employer harmless from any liability or action arising from the application of this section. Upon written request, the employer must provide a breakdown of how these funds were allocated. .